Last Updated on July 18, 2017 by Robert Price
Going bald early? Look on the bright side! Seriously, if you can successfully overcome this adversity, you’ll find a sense of inner-peace and strength that will help you throughout every stage of your life. Without further ado, here are the top 7 benefits of embracing hair loss:
- You’ll Save Money – Keeping your hair for life would be an expensive proposition! 20K is the over-under, I’d say. For some men it will cost a little more, some a lot more, some less. That’s assuming you’ll need at least one hair transplant, and that you’d take some kind of topical or oral medication, like finasteride or minoxidil. There are ways to combat hair loss on a budget. But no doubt, the cheapest option is to let your follicles go.
- No Rubbing in Rogaine Every Friggen Day for the Rest of Your Life – In other words you’ll save time. Fighting hair loss takes commitment, there’s no question about it. If you don’t adhere to some kind of treatment regimen, there’s a good chance you’ll lose the battle with hair loss. But you don’t have to fight hair loss to be a winner in life! By embracing early baldness, you’ll free yourself up to take on other hobbies and challenges.
- Crank Your Masculinity Up! There’s no doubt that guys with bald and shaved heads are, as a group, perceived as more manly than dudes with hair. If you can pull off the buzzed look with confidence, your rugged masculinity will attract women like a magnet. They may be a little intimated at first — but as long as you’re not a creep, you can use that to your advantage. You can find out if you’ll look good bald in this article.
- Enjoy a More Hassle-Free Existence – Sure, many men like having hair, but I don’t know of many guys who enjoy combing it, shampooing it, rubbing pomade through it, etc. As a bald dude, you’ll spend much less time in front of the mirror throughout the course of your lifetime. No checking your hair when you’re at work or out and about. No haircuts either!
- There’s a Better Chance You’ll Achieve Nirvana – I’m personally not of the “embrace baldness” mindset. But I can’t deny that fighting to keep my hair is a bit superficial. There’s a reason monks are bald; they shave their heads as a sign of religious devotion and humility. But you don’t need to be religious to benefit from baldness. Allowing your locks to fall out naturally can help you create deeper, more consequential existence for yourself.
Bald and enlightened, the Dalai Lama knows you don’t need hair to achieve nirvana. Ghandi was also bald, and he is a member of the bald hall of fame.
6. You can Use Hair Loss as a Springboard to Shed Your Other Insecurities – Once you’ve put your hair loss worries aside, you can tackle your other insecurities. We all have them. Self-acceptance is the name of the game here. Once you accept yourself and your perceived flaws, you’ll find a sense of inner-peace and people in the real world will celebrate you. They’ll react to you positively. But if you carry your doubts and self-esteem issues around with you, people with sense it. The response you get will be muted and unenthusiastic. Nobody really gives a shit about your hair. If you have peace in your heart and you accept and love yourself, hair loss won’t hold you back. Neither will anything else.
7. Unleash The Action-Hero Within – Whether you’re looking to pump iron at the gym, save the world from Russian terrorists, or just head out for an extraordinary adventure in your town, hair can hold you back. That’s why there are so many bald athletes and action heroes. If you go out and get your adrenaline pumping on a regular basis, you’ll start forgetting about the hair. And you can enjoy a more exhilarating and exciting life.
Get Action. That was former US President Teddy Roosevelt’s mantra in life. Hunt, get ripped, go mountain climbing, whatever. The more action you take, the less your hair will matter. Hell even if you do fight your hair loss, getting action should be a top priority.
So there you have it. Again, simply by accepting your hair loss, you can save money, save time, turn up your masculinity, enjoy a more hassle-free existence, achieve nirvana, overcome all your other insecurities, and unleash the action star within you! As I see them, those are the seven most significant benefits of embracing baldness. Feel free to chime in if you disagree.
Robert Price is a writer, consumer advocate, and hair loss researcher with thousands of hours of experience in the field. His goal is to keep you out of the hair loss rabbit hole, underworld, or whatever you want to call it. He founded Hair Loss Daily, the unbiased hair loss blog, in 2016. You can learn more about Robert in the my story section of this website.
Don’t get me started on the benefits of embracing male pattern baldness. You got an hour? No, I won’t bore you anymore. I saved myself all the trouble and expense of preventing something I desperately wanted anyway. MPB was something I ran toward, not away from. MPB was something I desperately desired, not feared. I watched in frustration as young guys in their 20s and 30s were going bald and hating it, while I couldn’t wait to go bald and was forced to wait impatiently for the bald fairy to visit me. Thankfully, when MPB finally arrived, it made up for lost time and in less than two years I was smooth shiny bald on top with only the usual fringe of hair on the sides and back. I was Norwood 6 bald at last.