Last Updated on September 10, 2017 by Robert Price
A recent German study found that vertically challenged men are more likely to experience early-onset male pattern baldness. This, of course, along with the existence of the Nazi’s, ISIS, and the Kardashians, is proof that there is no God. Just kidding. Or am I?
Look, there’s no question that many men look good bald. But short and bald, that would be a tough hand. Charles Darwin, a member of my bald hall of fame, went bald young. I’m not sure if he was short, but anyway. The point is: baldness isn’t a disease, and if your locks are starting to thin prematurely, there’s still hope for you!
Here’s a good example. Scroll down a bit, then look at the little bald dude on the right.
Danny Devito, left (duh), with the gropenator. At a diminutive 4’11” tall, Devito has been balding badly since his breakout role in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. That was like 1975, when he was about 30. Now he rocks his horseshoe pattern with swag and resolve and, always, a great sense of humor. His wife Rhea Pearlman is 5″ of ball-breaking hotness too!
Other Findings in this Study
Researchers also found that men who went bald early were slightly more prone to certain cancers and illnesses. However, there’s good news for Brian Stelter of CNN and other bald young men, because “Men with premature hair loss do not need to be concerned,“ according to the study’s co-author, Markus Nöthen of the University of Bonn in Germany (source).
Going bald isn’t a death sentence. Neither is being short. It’s not a lie if you believe it, as George Costanza would say! Just kidding. But when it comes to embracing hair loss and winning in life, you truly can fake it until you make it.
Robert Price is a writer, consumer advocate, and hair loss researcher with thousands of hours of experience in the field. His goal is to keep you out of the hair loss rabbit hole, underworld, or whatever you want to call it. He founded Hair Loss Daily, the unbiased hair loss blog, in 2016. You can learn more about Robert in the my story section of this website.