Last Updated on January 3, 2023 by Robert Price
We all grow old and die eventually. Most of us go bald eventually, too — some sooner than others.
Asians men often retain their lush locks into their golden years, whereas men of European descent frequently start to thin before they buy their first house.
This article was based off of a TripAdvisor survey, so take it for it is! It’s certainly not scientific and is intended for your entertainment, primarily, but some general truths about baldness are also revealed. Let’s get to it.
The 11 Baldest Places on Earth
11. Russia
32.39% bald or balding rate
Vladamir Putin is Russia’s most famous bald man, and he’s definitely not alone! It’s a country famous for snow, vodka, depression, cheating at the Olympics, the mafia, and James Bond villains. And there are lots of bald dudes, as well. A whopping 32.39% of Russians were bald or balding, according to the survey.
10. Canada
37.42% bald or balding rate
Another country most famous for its snow, Canada features many big, burly, bearded, hockey-loving bald fellows in their vast prairies and untamed wildernesses. I used to like Jim Carey movies, and “Jim and Andy” was quite good. Celine Dion is Canadian; she had a super old and super bald husband for many years until he died (as super bald and super old men often do).
9. Netherlands
37.93% bald or balding rate
The Netherlands is famously the tallest country in the world, where the average man is over six feet tall. So if you’re a lady or fellow into tall bald dudes, you know where to go!
8. Poland
38.34% bald or balding rate
All I really know about Poland is that it was invaded in 1939. Poland is also the home country of actress Yvonne Strahovski, who played Hannah on one of my favorite TV shows of all time, Dexter. She’s hot. It’s home to a lot of bald, beer-swigging Slavs. I think they’re Slavs. Some of them, anyway.
7. Italy
39.01 bald or balding rate
Italy is a land of extremes when it comes to men’s hairlines. On one end, you have the late, great James Gandolfini, AKA Tony Soprano. On the other, you have Tony Soprano’s nephew, Christopher, played by Michael Imperioli, who still has his juvenile hairline in his 50s. This is pretty common in Italy: lots of men seem to keep their juvenile hairlines into their golden years. Most of the illiterates from the Jersey Shoe, sans the Situation, have Norwood 1s.
Plenty go bald, too.
Photo Credit: HBO
6. US
39.04% bald or balding rate
It’s the land of the free, the brave, and the balding, without a doubt. As I learned on my roofing job last summer, you’ll find baldness everywhere you look here in the states.
Dr. Phil is a full-on type 7 on the Norwood Scale which classifies the 7 most common types of hair loss in men.
5. UK
39.23% bald or balding rate
The United Kingdom is famous for many things that start with the letter B, like the Beatles, the bald royals, Brexit, and bad dentists. Prince William isn’t the only follicularly challenged Brit, though. At every Pub in London, you’re bound to spot a couple bald fellows. Apparently most Brits will invite strangers to sit with them at the Pub when no bar stools are available. That sounds absolutely mental to me!
Prince William.
Credit: Kensington Palace/Twitter
4. France
39.24% bald or balding rate
The Coneheads, from the famous SNL skit and movie, came from France. I’d look like a cone head if I shaved my head — and that’s one of the five worst looks for bald dudes!
How I’d look with a shaved head (middle).
3. Germany
41.24% bald or balding rate
Germany is probably the #1 country I’d like to visit. I’m intrigued by the scenery, the history, the Bergof, the Eagle’s Nest, and Berlin…The list could go on. I like drinking beer, as do the Germans, even though drinking booze in excess can make men go bald faster. Perhaps that’s why there are so many bald Germans? I’ll have to look into that.
2. Spain
42.6% bald or balding rate
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. And the rain sure sucks if you have a thinning Norwood 3 hairline! Am I right? Luckily, balding men who live by the plain in Spain all have expansive wardrobes featuring hats of every kind.
1. Czech Republic
42.79% bald or balding rate
I know, this seems random as hell! When I think of the Czech Republic, I think of orgies and Prague. Apparently it’s one of the sex-trafficking capitals of Europe. They like to eat a lot of meat and salt in the Czech Republic, and apparently many of their meals are lacking in the fruit and veggie departments. As you can probably guess, a poor diet can lead to hair loss, so perhaps that’s why the Czech Republic is indeed the baldness capital of the world.
If your idea of a fun night out includes an orgy with bald dudes, blood red garnets, and plenty of beer, what are you waiting for? Book your visit to the Czech Republic today!
Takeaways from This Hair Loss Survey
First off, once again, this was a friggen Trip Advisor “survey” so it was far from scientific! That said, my main takeaways were as follows:
- There’s less baldness in Nordic Countries – Not sure if that’s a reality or not, but no Scandinavian countries were represented in this survey.
- There’s more baldness is “superpower” countries – So, perhaps not surprisingly, the baldest counties tended to be the most powerful countries, i.e. the UK, Germany, France, and the US, primarily. Is this because of our diets, superiority complexes, stresses, or was there just bigger sample sizes in these countries and accordingly more baldness? I tend to believe the last explanation is the most likely.
- Asians Don’t Go Bald – I mean, yeah, they do, just not to the extent that us whites do. Asian countries were the least bald, according to this survey.
- Blacks and Latinos Don’t Go Bald – Of course I’m joking. They go bald, just not as often as their white counterparts.
There you have it. The 11 baldest places on earth. White men have horrible hair genes. I think that’s the main thing we’ve learned here, but feel free to chime in in the comment section if you disagree.
Robert Price is a writer, consumer advocate, and hair loss researcher with thousands of hours of experience in the field. His goal is to keep you out of the hair loss rabbit hole, underworld, or whatever you want to call it. He founded Hair Loss Daily, the unbiased hair loss blog, in 2016. You can learn more about Robert in the my story section of this website.
The fact that Russia can do so much drinking and STILL southern europeans bald more, shows how strong russian genes are
How come you didn’t write for USA, land of obesity, poor healthcare, institutionalized racism, unequal pay, segregation, slavery, and criminals who backed terrorist and put literal crimelords into power in South America. Why you sugarcoat US, you’re not heroes
Lydia sweetie, they never sugarcoated the US. But you barely speak English so I doubt you would be able to grasp that.
Mate I’ve checked your source, and, as a man in his mid 30’s from the Czech Republic, i not only refute your claim that we all love orgies and are all bald, but also have looked at your sourcing and found it bunk! Please do your research in future before MOUthing off at us Czech fellas about our eating habits, instead of linking a Japanese website from 2014
I also felt offended by he considered latinos a race, probably in his mind all latinos are mexicans mestizos… well what expect from an American.
I will never go bald, every single one of my close relatives (just relatives by US standards) have died with a great hair. Unless i get attacked and scalped i shall have lush hair in my deathbed too.
Congrats! There’s always a chance you could be the exception! Just saying…Enjoy it though, seriously.
A lot of Asians eat rice as a staple and it has beta sitosterol an anti dht product. They tend not to do diary….inflammatory, Chinese and Indians have a massive natural herb culture eg India, poor mans NHS is turmeric and Foto…keep that a secret. Japanese do/get iodine but in the rest of world there is a pandemic and the pseudo nanny states limit it by prescription so iodine for the hair not on the radar ps iodine wakens up real radar=pineal=close to enlightenment but not the truth where every hair on your head is counted
I wonder. I visit Africa frequently and it seems like the number is 75% in most countries. And I spend a lot of time in Austria, surrounded by countries in your top ten, and while baldness isn’t exactly rare, (does a quick sampling of 1000 men on the street) , the numbers here seem well under 30%; maybe only 20%.