Prince William Jokes About His Baldness Again, Tells Barbers: “I Can’t Give You Much Business”

I think it’s safe to say Prince William has reached the acceptance stage on his hair loss journey.

And good for him!

Yesterday morning, the royal stopped by a cafe that was recently established by a homeless charity; its mission is to help members of the local homeless community deal with addiction and rebuild their lives.

There, he ran into a group of barbers from the shop next door and quipped: “I don’t have much hair, I can’t give you much business.”

Good one, PW!

I admire the way William and Harry have devoted themselves to charity and believe they are excellent role-models for everyone, balding and non-balding.

In a survey a few years back, William was ranked as the #1 celebrity hair transplant doctors wanted to operate on. I remember seeing a post by Alan Bauman, a prominent Florida hair transplant surgeon, urging the prince to throw the proverbial “kitchen sink” at his male pattern baldness. The kitchen sink would presumably include finasteride, minoxidl, laser therapy, etc.

To hell with all of them, I say. He’s happy, he’s got a purpose in life, he’s got a great family, he’s rich, and he doesn’t NEED hair. He’d probably be better off buzzing his head, but that’s an article for another day.

By the way, take a cue from the prince: you should also not be afraid to joke about your hair loss. In fact, that’s one of my 12 steps to dating success for bald and balding men. Cheers.


Posted in Celebrities, Embracing Hair Loss.

One Comment

  1. More power to him. I’m glad Prince William has decided to let himself go bald. Good for him! He doesn’t need hair any more than I do. I envy him, not because he happens to be heir to a throne, but because he went bald so young. I wish I had been as bald as he is when I was his age. It looks like he will be Norwood 6 bald (like me) before he’s 40 years old. I had to wait until I was 55. That was twenty years ago. Oh well, better late than never.

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