It’s Official: Trump Takes Propecia for the Prevention of Hair Loss, WH Doctor Says

Donald Trump has been an unofficial, unpaid spokesman for Propecia for years.

Today, the official White House doctor, Ronny Jackson, confirmed that previous reports were accurate: Trump takes finasteride to prevent hair loss.

Side effects linked to Propecia include brain fog, low libido, and a host of other undesirable sexual issues, as I note in my article: A Long, Hard, and Honest Look at Propecia, Is It Worth the Risk?

Some of Trump’s critics attribute the drug to his instability, inarticulate statements, outbursts, feuds (e.g. Rosie O’Donnel), etc. Whether or not there’s a link between Finasteride and Trump’s mental state is debatable. What’s not debatable is that his hair just looks plain weird, which begs the question…

What’s Wrong with His Hair?

It’s a question many hair restoration surgeons have been asked over the years. The short answer is this: in the 80s and/or 90s, Trump likely had a number of hair restoration procedures that utilized dated technologies. Those transplants, accordingly, were of a low quality and achieved unnatural results.

Photo Credit: CNN. Trump on Larry King Live fielding a question about his hair.

A Full 1 MG Dose

Unlike many hair loss sufferers who take Propecia, Trump has not hopped aboard the low-dose finasteride bandwagon.  He takes the full 1 mg dose of the drug, as is directed by Merk, the manufacturer of Propecia.

hair loss diet

Trump is  out of shape, even though his doctor didn’t come right out and state the obvious. At 6’3″ (I’m not buying that, by the way) 239 pounds, he’s borderline obese.

Not Found on the Norwood Scale

Norwood scale picture

The Norwood scale is the most commonly used device that physicians use to assess hair loss. Where does Trump sit on this scale? Nowhere! His pattern is very…unique, that I can tell you.

The Top 6 Shocking Facts About Donald Trump’s Hair

Next, I think you’ll enjoy reading this article, describing the most shocking facts about President Donald Trump’s hair. A lot of people are saying it’s the best article ever written about Trump’s hair, but I’ll let you be the judge!

Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. Would Trump have been elected if he had been bald? Probably not. Out of 44 presidents only five were ‘balding’. None were Norwood 7 bald. Eisenhower was the most bald, maybe Norwood 5 or 6. Ford was balding, but he wasn’t elected to office and lost to Carter when he ran for re election. It seems, Americans don’t like to elect bald men to the presidency. Do you believe Propecia saved Trump’s hair? Did he take Propecia, at least in part, because he wanted to run for president? We’ll never know.
    I don’t believe Americans elected Trump for his hair or his looks. I believe he won only because his opponent was even more objectionable than he was. The lesser of two evils? Bald versus full head of hair should not be a significant factor in determining suitability for public office, but unfortunately, it is. Such is the shallowness of voters. Sad. I have never aspired to elected office, so going bald did not hurt me in the least. Going bald cost me nothing. Instead, just letting it happen saved me a lot of money and grief and aggravation. And I really enjoyed going bald. It’s what I had always wanted, so it was an exhilarating experience when it finally happened to me. I would much rather be bald than be president.

    • Excellent comment, I agree with you on pretty much all counts! I think Propecia definitely helped Trump save some of his hair. Haha, love the quote at the end, “I’d rather be bald than President.” Voters definitely seem to have a tendency to pick the candidate with hair over the bald/balding guy, unfortunately, as I discuss in my article: The Bush Family and Balding Genetics – A Case Study. I don’t believe hair was a huge factor for Trump, though — it was more the mentality, the brash language, etc. And of course having a terrible opponent helped.

      • To clarify how I feel, being president of the US is a thankless job. It is risky and the pay is not all that great, given all the hassles the job put you through. You live in a proverbial gold fish bowl. Everyone second guesses everything you say or do. And it ages you dramatically. You have to be a glutton for punishment to want to be elected president. Last but certainly not least, you are a target. And for all that, you don’t really wield all that much power, as the people who helped put you in the white house actually own and control you. Voters get the illusion of choice. The president gets the illusion of power. Bottom line: it’s not worth it!
        By contrast, male pattern baldness is pure pleasure for me. I love it. I love how it looks, I love how it feels. My wife loves it as much as I do and doesn’t let me forget it. It was/is effortless. It cost me nothing. All I had to do was relax and just let it happen. I eagerly and impatiently anticipated it, was thrilled when it started to happen and totally enjoyed watching my hair recede, fall out, thin out and disappear off the top of my head. If someone offers you the presidency, run for your life and hide. If someone offers you male pattern baldness, think twice before turning it down. Better yet, embrace it. I did and I love it. You will, too.

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