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My Five WORST Posts So Far, With Links!

I believe in balance…

Are all of my articles helpful, insightful, or even worth your time?

No, absolutely not!

I’ve written some awful posts already, even though I’m less than 100 posts in. I think I’ve created some great content, much of which I’m proud of, but when I sit down to write, I don’t always have something life-changing or interesting to share with you. The same goes for every other blogger, journalist, TV host, and YouTuber on the planet.

Hair loss is a technical subject. I try to mix things up with this hair loss blog to keep the content fresh, fun, engaging, illuminating, and most importantly, empowering. I want to empower you to face your hair loss in the best, most constructive, and most courageous way possible, whether that’s through treatment or acceptance. And most of all, I want you to avoid becoming obsessed with hair loss. You can become interested in it like I am, that’s fine. But don’t be a slave to it — that’s all I’m saying.

Anyway, here are a few bad and ugly posts I’ve written over the last 7 months or so.

  1. Maintenance is the Goal, Regrowth is Gravy

God, I knew this one was stupid as I was writing it! But Shiny Happy People by REM was a stupid song, and everyone sort of liked it anyway. Michael Stipe is bald. I don’t know. Someone still reads it every now and then. God knows why! The overall argument I’m making is valid, though.

2. Steve Jobs Went from a Perfect 10 with Hair to a 5 at Best Bald

Jesus that was bad. This is me at my snarky, petulant worst.

I was trying to make the point that hair was to Steve Jobs’ appearance what the Dude’s rug was to his living room….It really tied his look together. So stupid. It has a few humorous, personal anecdotes thrown in — but a semi-funny story about the Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego can’t salvage the shit show that is this post.

3. DHT and ME

I was just trying to build content. Nobody was reading at that point. A ridiculously inane concept and a blemish on this blog as a whole.

4. When it Comes to Treating Hair Loss, I’m Pro Choice

Utter garbage with some truth thrown in, once again. No explanation necessary. Just trying to increase the post count, that’s all.

5. The Bald Truth Revealed – 8 Country Stars who Hide Baldness Behind Their Cowboy Hats

Again, this post is contradictory to my mission with this site. I’m not trying to be offensive or mean when I write celebrity hair loss posts. There’s a reason I don’t write about that subject as much anymore. Ultimately, I’m not looking to “out” or make fun of anyone experiencing hair loss.

I fell short of my own expectations here a little bit. Is it a horrible post? No, not necessarily. I don’t know, I’ve debated taking it down, and I may at some point. This was another post I wrote early on when the site wasn’t really getting any traffic. It’s sort of fun, at the same time. I’m conflicted a little bit with regard to its fate.

Closing Thoughts

I’m an incredibly flawed human being. I endeavor to make this a fun, engaging, and empowering blog, as I said earlier, but I don’t always succeed at that goal. The posts I listed above are all poorly written with few redeeming qualities. That’s just the way it is. They didn’t meet my expectations, but I can’t hit home runs or doubles or even singles every time. I’m going to strike out every now and then, just like I did with the five posts I listed here. To view the other extreme, check out my five best posts so far.

Posted in Hair Loss Information.

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