My Five BEST Posts So Far, With Links!

I’m closing in on 100 posts with this blog.

As I’ve said before, time flies whether you’re going bald or you’re not…

And I suppose now is as good a time as any to reflect back a bit, on the work I’ve done up to this point, and maybe catch some of you new readers up-to-date on what’s happened to this point.

I believe these are my five best hair loss articles so far:

1.Beat the Balding Blues (or How to Overcome Your Hair Loss-Related Stress, Depression, Fears, and Insecurities in Two Weeks or Less)

This is my favorite post to date, even though it’s far from my most popular one.

It covers a variety of proven, effective tools and techniques you can use to overcome your hair loss insecurities (and any other type of insecurity, actually). 4,000+ words! It’s not a short one, but it’s skim-friendly and it’s a post that gets a lot of repeat traffic, which indicates to me that people are finding the information to be valuable. If you’re struggling at all with hair loss-related depression, anxiety, fears, etc., I’d encourage you to check it out.

I’ve actually used many of the strategies I discuss in the post to overcome my own insecurities and depression. I had a pretty bad case of depression, too, and I’ve read countless self-help books and articles on the subject. Like Tarantino, I strive to only steal from the best — and I stole many great, highly effective, No-BS, easy-to-apply psychological concepts in this post!

2. The Norwood Scale – Assess Your Hair Loss, With Photos and Celebrity Examples

I think this is the best, most thorough, easy-to-follow article on the Norwood Scale, period. It’s fun, too! I try to bring some levity to the topic at hand — male pattern baldness — and hopefully demystify and neutralize it to some degree.

3. The Mature Hairline Explained – Are You Balding or Maturing?


Again, I believe it’s the most detailed article available on the mature hairline, on the internet. Of course, I’m biased!

4. There’s a Baldness Epidemic in the Construction Field – Here’s Why

This is obviously a hair loss blog NOT brought to you by hair transplant doctors or underpaid, unimaginative journalists (Yeah, I’m talking about WebMd…). I feature personal stories, profiles of great bald men, and am even starting to build a section of articles not about hair loss. We’ll see where the journey goes. This is one of the more interesting detours I’ve taken thus far, in my opinion.

5. A Long, Hard, and Honest Look at Propecia – Is It Worth the Risk?

With a word count approaching 4,000 words, this article aims to examine Propecia’s risks and benefits in a totally unbiased way. It reviews the studies in plain English, digs into the controversy surrounding the drug, goes over the potential side effects, and much more. It’s the most difficult topic I’ve had to analyze, but I’ve tried my best to cover it in a neutral, unemotional way.

Wrapping it Up

I’m also partial to this new post I wrote — another long one — entitled, Balding in Your Teens – Here’s How to Keep Your Hair and Stay Sane.

I think I’ll try to do a best-of post every 100 articles or so. I’m going to do a worst-of post, too — that’s scheduled for tomorrow. And there’s ample, terrible material to choose from, believe me! So stay tuned, and thanks for reading.

Posted in Hair Loss Information.

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