The Bald Community Should Name Larry David President – Here’s Why

Larry David is one of my personal heroes who also happens to be bald. I’m not sure if he’d appreciate my work here at Hair Loss Daily, as I provide information about hair loss treatments, transplants, etc. I’m sure he’d hate me, actually! But I love him anyway. And I’m going to provide you with some terrific clips and commentary that show why Larry David should be the President of the US, or at the very least, President of the Bald Community!

No Rogaine for Larry!

Mr. David is militant in his anti-treatment stance. Moroever: if you’re balding, shaving your head is unacceptable as far as Larry is concerned. So no, he won’t certainly allow you into the bald community if you shave your head! Below is a fantastic clip from Curb Your Enthusiasm, which shows Larry David fighting discrimination on behalf of his bald brothers everywhere.

Of course it was a hate crime! If the note on the door made reference to his race, ethnicity, or sexuality in a derogatory way, would the cops have acted in such a nonchalant and disrespectful manner? I don’t think so! This is the kind of leader I want, not just for the bald community, but for our nation.

And how dare the bald officer, by choice, consider himself a part of the bald community? So offensive. The point is, Larry is taking a stand here. He’s fighting on behalf of the some 35 million men experiencing male pattern baldness in the US, and the many millions more around the globe. He will not be intimidated — and that’s both heroic and presidential in my book.

The Bald Chef Hiring

In season three of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry and his manager Jeff invest in a new LA restaurant. He’s put charge of hiring the chef, and not surprisingly, he ends up hiring a friendly, talented man who like Larry, also happens to sport a horseshoe-style Norwood type 7 balding pattern.  In the clip below, the two discuss how much they enjoy being bald. Just need a little sunblock, and it’s all good! They also review the various treatment options for hair loss, along with transplants and toupees.

Can you believe Larry said he believes people with toupees should be killed?! That seems a little extreme, but he’s clearly not being serious and he’s an extremely proud, bald man — so I’ll give him a pass. We need a leader who walks the walk, who uplifts his constituents, and Larry David is the man for this job.

The Bald Chef Firing

Things escalate fast in this episode! The audience believes Larry has found a kindred spirit in the bald chef. Perhaps a brommance could even develop here. It seems possible. Then the story comes to a surprising and angry conclusion at the Supermarket, again with Larry’s manager, Jeff.

He has far more bald professionals than the average person! That line always cracks me up. And Larry’s original response is classic too: “You don’t have a proclivity for fat people. I think you have a strong proclivity for fat people!”

Ultimately the bald chef was hired under false pretenses, it’s true. Do I think Larry maybe took drastic measures by firing him? Yes, perhaps. I’m not sure this is necessarily his finest moment, perhaps because I’m pro-choice when it comes to treating hair loss. Okay, this is not exactly heroic behavior. But he is an ardent supporter of the bald community, and I think he let his raw, intense emotion get the best of him here. He hasn’t lost my vote, and he still deserves your vote.

Facing More Discrimination

In the next clip, Larry faces discrimination at a hospital restaurant, again with his manager. The fully haired manager assures him that he’d have no issues if he were bald. “It’d be no big deal,” he assures Larry.

“That’s what everyone says,” is the response. Then the manager ends up bald! Why? Because Larry says the N-Word at the restaurant and a black doctor, who coincidentally is about to perform a procedure on Jeff, hears it and ends up buzzing Jeff’s head by mistake. Long story! An awesome episode. Here’s another great scene from the said episode featuring the fantastic JB Smoove as Leon if you’re interested.

I had to take a few roundabouts to get to this clip, but without further ado, here it is.

I love how supportive the bald community is! It almost makes me wish I was a member. Toward the end of the episode, Larry gives a thumbs up to one of his bald brothers. A nice touch!

He’s perhaps the greatest living ambassador of the bald community. Nobody’s brought the issues facing bald men to the forefront like Larry David, and he deserves to be your next president.

Finally, He Co-Created Seinfeld for God Sake!

And who is arguably the greatest sitcom character of all time? George Costanza, of course, David’s alter-ego, who also happens to be bald!

So yeah, Larry David for President of the bald community. Who’s with me? Mr. David is also a member of my personal bald hall of fame, and just one of my favorite people in general. Jennifer Lawrence agrees. She even said, in so many words, that she’d like to have sex with him if I’m not mistaken! Larry David is awesome, and I hope a new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm is coming soon on HBO.

Posted in Celebrities, Fun, Great Bald Men.

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