Larry David Says Pro Golfer Jordan Spieth Will Be “Wildly Bald” in 3-4 Years

Larry David is a well-known golf fanatic, and one of the most prominent bald men in America. He’s also a member of my personal bald hall of fame. At only 23, Jordan Spieth is golf’s next great superstar. He’s also going bald, slowly but surely. When asked about Spieth in a 2015 interview with Golf Digest, David had this to say:

“He’s going to be a bald man. He’s going to be wildly bald. This makes him way more appealing to me. It’s one thing to handle the pressure of the back nine at Augusta; let’s see how he does when he sees all that hair in the tub. That’s pressure. I’ll be watching him very carefully. He’s 22. He’s got three years, maybe four. He’s done.”

Predictably, David had nothing to say about Spieth’s game or his recent Masters Tournament victory in the interview. Spieth may eventually become a member of David’s bald community, so of course that’s what he wanted to discuss. This interview brought back memories of the Seinfeld episode where George diagnoses Elaine’s boyfriend with male pattern baldness and gives him a year to enjoy his hair. Then George advises her boyfriend to “live, dammit, live!” Baldness is not a terminal disease, but it’s a hilarious exchange and you can watch it below.

Spieth’s Retort

ESPN’s Jason Sobel asked Spieth if he had seen David’s comments. Spieth replied, “Yeah, that was pretty funny,” before adding “hey, nothing I can do about it.”

Of course there are a number of things he could do to treat his hair loss, but it doesn’t seem to bother him. And there are undoubtedly many benefits to embracing hair loss, so good for Jordan.

I actually think Jordan has more than a few years of hair left to look forward to. His hairline actually has been looking better lately, as you can see in this Youtube interview with Jimmy Fallon — so it’s possible that David’s words prompted him to take action. I think it’s fair to say that most professional athletes are adverse to taking Propecia, which alters your hormonal balance. But it’s possible Spieth had a PRP injection or even a hair transplant. Of course I’m speculating!

What do you think about Larry David’s Jordan Spieth comments? How long does he have until he’s wildly bald? Leave a reply in the comment section.

Posted in Celebrities, Fun.

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