My Revelation About Hair Loss While on Jury Duty

Last Updated on August 8, 2017 by Robert Price

Most men go bald…

Wildly Bald, As Larry David Would Say.

So I had jury duty a couple of weeks ago. The pool mostly consisted of retirees, the unemployed, and college students. Of course I tried to get out of it, but I failed. Anyway, of course in the courtroom, I couldn’t help noticing the hairlines of my fellow prospective jurors. And not surprisingly, the vast majority of them had moderate to severe hair loss (NW 4+).

If you’re interested in hair loss like I am, you’ve heard many different stats about balding, what percentage of men go bald, etc. And the stats are all over the place, as I’ve stated previously in my hair loss 101 post, and many other times.

The American Hair Loss Association, for example, states that 85% of men experience hair loss by the age of 50. The ISHRS, International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons, offers different figures, claiming that only about 50% of men are noticeably balding by the age of 50.

Some surgeons assert that half of men never go bald!

But yeah, that’s obviously wrong.

Most men go bald — and I’m not talking about hair loss of the mild, m-shaped, Norwood 3 variety.  I’m talking moderate to severe hair loss. I couldn’t get over how many prospective jurors were essentially bald on top, rocking full-on, horseshoe, Dr. Phil patterns. As a general rule, most men who become extensively bald begin the process early in life, in their teens or early 20s.

But there are many exceptions to the rule.

Did all of my fellow jurors start going bald in their teens and 20s? I doubt it. Hair loss affects more people later in life than you may think. Just because you make it into your 30s with hair, doesn’t mean you won’t go bald.

Enough negativity.

On the bright side, hair loss is the norm among older men! In your golden years, you’ll stand out more for having a full head of hair, or even a relatively full head of hair, than you will for being bald.

It was an interesting couple days at the city courthouse.

I can’t say too much about the case, I don’t think. But it did involve a murder; he wasn’t accused of murder, it was a lesser charge, and I think that’s about all I can say.

The kid on trial had one of the most offensively low juvenile hairlines I’ve ever seen. It was literally about an inch above his eyebrows! I followed the trial loosely after I was excused, and a mistrial was eventually declared.

What’s the point of this story? What information pertains?

Hair loss.

It’s a thief, much like time itself. And it’s gonna get you, sooner or later, most likely.

So don’t obsess over it too much. Eventually, you’ll probably be an old, bald man sitting in jury duty with nothing better to do on a Wednesday morning, and with much bigger concerns than your baldness. Until then, make your time here count, hair or no hair.

Posted in Personal Stories, Rants and Raves.

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