Was that title offensive?
Yeah, probably, but not intentionally so! Everyone has an opinion about Harvey Weinstein, from news anchors to celebrities to my new dentist.
This is a post about Weinstein, his hairline, high Norwoods, transplanting high Norwoods, hypocrisy, Vice President Joe Biden, and more…
Here’s Harvey.
When most people talk about the disgraced producer, I’ve found their tone becomes sanctimonious and accusatory at the same time. Democrats like Seth Meyers circuitously blame Trump for Weinstein’s myriad transgressions, given the President’s various dalliances and history of sexual harassment. Maybe they don’t blame him, but he’s frequently included in the conversation as our “culture” of over-the-top sexism is bemoaned, as it should be.
And of course, the republicans blame the democrats and the Hollywood elite, who have given sanctuary to this balding, talented, sociopath, criminal for the past 25-30 years.
Meryl Streep claims she didn’t know about Weinstein’s “appetites”. George Clooney was blissfully unaware. The fact that he owes his Oscar to Weinstein is happenstance. The Good Will Hunting boys were ignorant too.
Yeah, right….
That’s enough about Weinstein’s crimes and misdemeanors though. He’s a scum bag and can rot in hell.
Now, let’s lighten things up a bit and talk about Weinstein’s hairline!
Seriously, what the hell is going on here?
His hairline usually looks like Norwood 3 up front with thinning and the biggest friggen bald spot I’ve ever seen in my life on a Norwood 3! Then the hairline just sort of disappears from time to time, like it did in the above photo, suggesting that perhaps he just uses some kind of concealer to create an artificial hairline.
And actually, generally speaking, the Norwood 3 does do a nice job framing Weinstein’s face, which improved his appearance for countless photos and red carpet appearances. Not enough to make women actually WANT to sleep with him, but that’s not what we’re talking about here.
Not great, but he looks better on the hair front than Dr. Phil or Prince William.
I’m not sure whether Weinstein had a hair transplant or not. Regardless, for older men who are essentially bald, Norwood 6 or 7, I think creating a hairline like Weinstein’s may be a reasonable objective. Having something to frame the face can make a big difference in overall aesthetics, even if a person has a bald spot the size of Rhode Island.
Other High Norwoods who Had Hair Transplants
Joe Biden is an example of a politician who took this approach, opting to have his hairline rebuilt and leaving a boulder-sized bald spot in the back. Biden would be a full Norwood 7 without his transplant — and I think it’s safe to say he’s better off with the hairline.
On an older man, a large bald spot can make one appear distinguished.
Senator Chuck Shumer also has a prestigious bald spot in the back, with a poorly designed, way-too-straight, way-too-high, pluggy hairline in the front.
Senator Chuck Schumer. He’d also likely be a full Norwood 6 or 7 without his transplant. And even though his procedure was poorly executed, I still think he looks better for having it.
Most Norwood 6 and 7 patients just don’t have enough hair to achieve total coverage — or even the illusion of total coverage.
Granted, there are exceptions.
Some men have phenomenal donor areas and ample body hair to harvest and can attain a full or near-full head of hair, as far as the general public is concerned. Multiple hair transplants are typically required in such cases.
Options for Younger Men With High Norwoods
So if you’re in your 20s, 30s, even 40s, having a nice hairline with a big bald spot isn’t going to make as big of an impact on your appearance as it would if you were age 50 or older. But it will still help frame your face, probably make you look better in photos, etc.
James Murray from the popular TV show Impractical Jokers. His hairline is a frequent subject of derision on the show, but it improves his overall appearance, nevertheless.
Alternatively, you could just buzz your head!
Or, you could opt to have your hairline rebuilt and still buzz your head, perhaps having a scalp micro pigmentation procedure done in the back to give you the illusion of full coverage.
A few takeaways:
Perverts are everywhere.
Bad hair transplants are everywhere, too.
Neck beards look horrible.
There’s still hope for all you high Norwoods out there!
And last but not least…
Hollywood is full of hypocritical losers, who put a perve like Weinstein on a pedestal in spite of his crimes, until he finally got caught with his dick in the proverbial potted plant.
Robert Price is a writer, consumer advocate, and hair loss researcher with thousands of hours of experience in the field. His goal is to keep you out of the hair loss rabbit hole, underworld, or whatever you want to call it. He founded Hair Loss Daily, the unbiased hair loss blog, in 2016. You can learn more about Robert in the my story section of this website.
Thank God I didn’t go for hair transplants. I am not a glutton for punishment and I have read and heard some horror stories about hair transplants. As far as I’m concerned, each and every transplant ‘plug’ is a separate surgery procedure and once you go down that path, you can’t just stop. Balding continues and the more ‘plugs’ you need, the less donor hair is left. Oh, the cost! Oh, the pain! Oh, the risk of infection! And for what?! Avoiding the inevitable?
When my hairline started receding in earnest, I visited a hair replacement consultant not for advice on preventing baldness, but for a diagnosis confirming that I was ‘suffering’ from male pattern baldness. After carefully examining me and running a few tests, he confirmed that indeed I was going male pattern bald and would eventually go bald. We discussed ‘treatment’ options, he warned me about things and activities and habits to avoid so as to slow down hair loss. I thanked him and left. I never saw him or any other hair restoration consultant again. That night I celebrated my diagnosis. Yes, I celebrated, because near the top of my lifelong wish list was male pattern baldness. All my life I’ve had the irresistible urge to go bald and my wish was about to finally come true. I was concerned that the transition to bald would take decades, and at that point I couldn’t go bald fast enough. Nor did I want to go bald overnight, as I wanted to maybe spend six months or so at each Norwood stage. I was eager to reach my destination (baldness), but also enjoy the journey (the balding stages: Norwood 3, 4, 5 and finally 6) along the way. God must have heard my prayers, because it took less than two years to bald from Norwood 2-3 to Norwood 6. Perfect timing. Wonderful results.
I would gladly wish male pattern baldness on all those Hollywood alpha male perverts, but to me, that would be a reward for despicable behavior, not punishment. In my book, male pattern baldness is a wonderful gift, a blessing, not a horrible curse. God looked down on me and smiled as He programmed male pattern baldness into my DNA. Then when I was a little boy He infected me with an irresistible urge to go bald which only got stronger and stronger as I got older. There was no ‘cure’ for that infection. Actually, the ‘cure’ was when male pattern baldness finally hit me in my early 50s, By then I was so eager to go bald it couldn’t happen fast enough. Male pattern baldness is too kind a fate for all those alpha male perverts. Find them another ‘curse’, a real curse.