Revealed: The Surprising Link Between Gray Hair and Baldness (and What It Means for You)

Earlier this year, Dallas Doctor Dr. Lu Le found the protein linked to baldness and gray hair, KROX20.

Le’s study was conducted on mice. He found that when a protein known as stem cell factor (SCF), essential for the color of hair, was removed from KROX20 cells, the mice’s hair turned gray then white.

When the KROX 20 cells were removed all together, the mice went bald.

Potential Implications and Questions

Can new hair growth be stimulated, if the KROX 20 cells are reintroduced to a balding person’s hair follicles?

Can gray hair be cured once and for all?

Le’s working on new treatments and breakthroughs as we speak, but I wouldn’t count on there being a cure for hair loss anytime in the near future.

Posted in In the News.

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