Gay Hair Loss, Bears and Mail-Order Brides from Slovenia – Yet Another Hair Loss Rant!

I’ve doing some security work on the weekends. Two 12 hour shifts on Saturday and Sunday. The job mostly consists of walking around and watching for suspicious activity — all in all, not so bad.

Another guy who trained with me is 20 years old. Juvenile hairline, gay, who says he’s the “outcast” in his family because he doesn’t do meth or heroin. His brother once ran through an art gallery naked while tweaked out of his mind. That’s Hunter Thompson shit — or low I.Q. Hunter Thompson shit, more specifically.

Gay & Going Bald

He mentioned having a husband, whom he owned property with in Oregon, who bought him a car, etc. The husband is 30, bald, and he told me that the husband is not particularly good-looking and that he takes advantage of him financially because he’s younger and in-shape and more handsome.

Not so cool.

I don’t know how the subject of the Rock came up. But when it did, the young man said something like, “I don’t know why everyone thinks he’s so attractive. The Rock is ugly.”

I mentioned the fact that the Rock was named the world’s sexiest man alive, to his surprise. I then asked him if he found Bruce Willis or Jason Statham attractive, trying to gauge whether or not he was prejudiced against balding men.

That’s when he informed me that his husband is bald.

And apparently not good-looking either.

Yet he married him. I should have asked him if he finds his husband unsightly because he’s bald or for another reason, but I was running on about 2-3 hours of sleep and we were working 12-hour-shifts….I had many other questions that went unanswered too.

Gay or straight, who the hell gets married at 20?

Moving on.

Mail Order Brides, Prostitutes and Gold Diggers

It seems to me that bald guys are more likely to have issues like this, where they get taken advantage of for their money or status.

You can be bald and attractive, of course.

But which group of men is most likely to purchase mail-order brides from Slovenia? Probably bald, overweight, semi-successful guys, that’s who.

Do more bald men patronize hookers than non-bald men?

Yeah, probably. My dad knew a bald attorney from Nevada who was on a board of directors at a brothel called the Mustang Ranch, which is no longer in business. The said bald attorney was known by a few of his friends as, “the worst lay in Washoe county.”

I don’t mean to be mean…

Here are some tips for looking good bald that may help you, so you don’t get taken for a ride by a 20-year-old gold digging gay man, or become the worst lay in your particular region. Maybe that’s too harsh, I actually liked the kid!

He had a rough upbringing and maybe the husband offered him some stability, at least initially, then after the thrill was gone the relationship fizzled. It happens.

Women end up with men they find unattractive far more often than men do, I’ve found. Hell, many unlucky-in-love women seem to become lesbians in their 40s and 50s after going through decades of bad relationships with the fellas. My aunt was one of those late-converting lesbians!

Here’s the good news:

Looks aren’t typically paramount for women when selecting a mate or even a hook-up — and the same generally can’t be said of men. We’re less petty and emotional, but considerably more superficial. Yes, I’m aware that wasn’t a PC statement and I just don’t care.

Bald can be sexy! Without question, plenty of bald guys are out there crushing it with the ladies, as I mention in my post describing my top 12 dating tips for bald and balding men.

I’m not sure what hair loss is like in the gay community or what I’m talking about here.


They were out to get Rivers Cuomo because they liked his behind in the song “Hash Pipe” by Weezer. Bears are large, bearded, furry, often leather-clad, and celebrated in the gay community. Bears are frequently bald as well! Fun fact: I once wrote copy for a gay resort in Palm Springs. I also once serviced a massage therapist specializing in the fine art of gay massage.

Not like that!

I wrote the copy for his website too…

What the hell just happened here? It’s hard to pinpoint but I’ll try to figure it out later after I have a few drinks. Bottoms up.

Posted in Fun, Rants and Raves.

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