Tim Kaine, class IV

I Changed My Position (Slightly) on Propecia, Again | Hair Loss Op-Eds

Last Updated on April 6, 2017 by Robert Price

So a couple of months ago, I wrote an op-ed entitled Why I Changed My Position on Propecia. In that article, I went over the three main reasons why I personally wouldn’t try the drug without exploring alternatives first. Those reasons included:

  1. The side effects may be more common than once thought
  2. I don’t like the idea of indefinitely blocking DHT
  3. I still have side effects from the two other medications I took long-term

I had spent probably 25 hours reviewing the studies and research on Propecia when I wrote that article. Now, I’ve spent at least another 40 hours on top of that initial 25 — so bottom line, I’ve spent a significant amount of time researching this medication. And honestly, I’ve gone back and forth on this, but ultimately, I do believe it’s a highly effective and generally safe medication.

I wasn’t quite as educated on the so-called Nocebo effect when I wrote my first article. I think that’s one of the key reasons why self-reported side effects are on the rise. Additionally, I didn’t realize how common sexual dysfunction was among men! In fact severe ED may affect 1 in 4 men under the age of 40 (source). Propecia is, almost undoubtedly, a convenient scapegoat for some men whose  intimacy issues are unrelated to the medication. As I’ve said before, there’s a reason those Viagra ads are on TV constantly.

I still believe the side effects are probably higher than the studies indicate. I still hate the idea of blocking DHT over the course of years or decades. And I’m still not particularly interested in going on another medication, long-term, based on my previous experiences. All that said, I’ve softened my position a bit. If I were suffering from aggressive hair loss in my 20s, I think I might give it a shot, with an open mind,  which is somewhat contrary to what I said in this article: If I Balding in My Teens or Early 20s, Would I Try Propecia?

Look, my position is evolving. This is probably the most challenging subject I’ve had to analyze since starting this blog. I’m not a physician, and I have no agenda or ulterior motives writing this. I’m just an ordinary, highly fastidious hair loss geek, perhaps not unlike yourself! I’ll continue to post updates as needed. Feel free to leave a question or comment below, and I’ll help you out if I can!

Posted in Op-Eds.

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