Last Updated on September 17, 2020 by Robert Price
Male pattern hair loss didn’t stop any of these 11 men from shaping history, in one way or another. They serve as inspirations to all of us, and they remind us that we are ultimately judged by the contributions we make to society, and not by the density of our hairlines.
I wanted to make this a fun list, featuring some modern, famous bald celebrities that everyone will know, along with historical figures who have shaped our lives, whether we know it or not.
The parameters for entry into my hall of fame are fairly straightforward (and loose, to be honest).
1. The person must have had an advanced balding type on the Norwood Scale. In other words, they must be or have been a very bald man!
2. They must have made significant contributions to our world and/or to their bald brethren.
3. That’s really about it; I feel like I should have a third parameter but I don’t.
Here’s the video version of this post with a bonus famous bald dude:
Okay, let’s get started now with the top 11 bald men of all time, in no particular order:
1. Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi taking his last meal before a fast.
Gandhi was the primary leader in the Indian independence movement of the 1930s and 40s. Trained as an attorney, he gave powerful speeches and organized peaceful demonstrations to rally his supporters and prompt a political revolution. Gandhi influenced countless leaders of future generations, from Martin Luther King Jr. to Cesar Chavez. Clearly, he was too busy fighting on behalf of his people and humanity to worry about his own baldness.
He did four stints in jail, where presumably having no hair is an asset — it’s the effeminate guys who are most popular in the joint, from what I’ve heard. He was also a fasting proponent, which is not recommended to those who are concerned about the prospect of hair loss. Crash diets are bad!
2. Larry David
Larry David at the 2009 Tribeca Film Festival, by David Shankbone. Original picture is here. Wikipedia Commons.
Okay, Larry David is not exactly a revolutionary, and he’s probably not a viable candidate for the history books anytime soon. That said, his association with the bald community, a phrase that he coined, cannot be overlooked.
In his seminal, classic television program, Curb Your Enthusiasm, David actively fought discrimination against bald people on multiple occasions. He also fires a toupee-wearing chef at a restaurant he co-owns, openly admits that he prefers hiring bald professionals over non-bald professionals, and proudly proclaims his love for his bald brothers. If you enjoy laughing, check out those youtube links, then come back and finish this article.
David is famous for creating the show Seinfeld as well, perhaps the greatest sitcom of all-time — and it features arguably the greatest sitcom character all-time in George Costanza, who also happens to be bald!
3. Michael Jordan
Jordan at 1990 Charity Event. Photo by Dynocraft4. Original source is here. Jordan is one of the most famous bald men on the planet.
He’s perhaps the greatest athlete ever, who single highhandedly inspired a generation of balding men to embrace their genetics and shave it off like a man — or shave it, bitch, as Joe Rogan says! Hair just gets in the way when you’re looking to dunk a basketball from the free throw line or humiliate Patrick Ewing in the paint, after all. At his best, Jordan was superhuman, plain and simple.
4. William Shakespeare
Long on the sides, mostly bald on top. Not a good look. But Shakespeare can still make ladies and English professors swoon. And, if I’m not mistaken, he also coined the word cuckold.
You were forced to read several of his plays in high school, because he’s the most famous writer of all time. But nobody really reads anymore, so if you’re a millennial, you probably breezed through the key plot lines and character descriptions on sparknotes.
Shakespeare sported long hair on the sides and back of his head, which, in theory, was supposed to compensate for his lack of hair elsewhere. Yeah, unfortunately, that theory has been debunked over the course of multiple millenniums. Just look at David Crosby; that will explain why the balding-guy-with-long-hair style is not a good one. But Shakespeare was undoubtedly a genius.
And despite being dead for four centuries, ol’ Billy still manages to make women of all ages tingle in their nether regions with his stunning and occasionally kinky verses.
Fun facts: Many assert Shakespeare was nothing but a common thief who stole all his famous works from one of his contemporaries. Also, upon his death, the only thing bequeathed to his wife, Anne Hathaway, was his “second-best bed.” Whatever that means.
5. Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos, right, with US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter. Bald, uber rich, and powerful!
Simply, Jeff Bezos is the most influential and successful bald businessman on the planet. Known for his meticulous nature and Sunday memos, Bezos has guided to unprecedented levels of success and recognition in the online realm.
You can find almost anything on Amazon, including Rogaine, derma rollers, laser combs, saw palmetto, and a wide variety of other hair loss treatments. But Jeff Bezos has no time for any of these lotions, potions, home remedies, or pills. He’s too busy worrying about growing his business and crushing his competitors.
There have been studies that show most men would prefer having more hair over more money. Jeff Bezos is an exception to the rule, and a good example for all of us. Money is more important than hair, gentlemen! But if you have money, you can say easily say goodbye to baldness forever, just like Jeff’s formerly-bald buddy, Elon Musk, did.
6. Bruce Willis
US Navy Photo. There’d be no Jason Statham, The Rock, or Vin Diesel without Bruce! One of the most famous bald men alive, no doubt.
He was a balding action star before being a balding action star was cool. In doing so, he paved the way for countless other balding men to thrive in Hollywood, a town that had always been prejudiced against men who suffer from premature hair loss — and they still are, just to a lesser extent, thanks to Willis.
Whether you’re a basketball champion or an action hero, hair is an unnecessary hindrance. And Bruce is living proof that yourself or someone like like you could one day become a masculine, handsome, charismatic, bald, popular, movie star. These days you don’t even need to have exceptional skills to be a bald, successful actor. Case in point, Vin Diesel.
7. Charles Darwin
Here Darwin is undoubtedly pondering why the human race hasn’t evolved beyond baldness. Check out that beard too! One of the great, bald, historical figures of all-time!
Darwin’s On the Origin of Species is one of the greatest achievements in human history. The godfather of evolution, Darwin inspired some of our greatest minds and has aggravated religious zealots for generations.
Like many men, Darwin suffered from severe male pattern baldness, as can be seen clearly in nearly all of his portraits from the age of 31 onward. And he did what many men facing similar genetic circumstances do: he grew an awesome beard! Yes, the bald-and-bearded look is always fashionable, whether you’re a scientist, athlete, or a dedicated and disgusting white supremacist.
8. Winston Churchill
Churchill was bald, and he’s one of the main reasons we’re all not living under Nazi rule.
He led the British people through the most turbulent and violent period in modern history. He is widely regarded as the greatest Brit of all-time, and as the man who saved Europe. Churchill loved danger and excitement. Evan as a heavyset, bald, and indispensable man in his 60s, he would stand on rooftops during the blitz, so he could get a better view of the destruction below.
He liked to drink, he loved his cigars, he read voraciously, and he was one of the greatest orators ever. Of his many inspirational quotes, this one may be of particular interest to our balding readers: “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” You have an opportunity to become a better, more resilient, and more confident person as you take on this demon, this beast of burden, this scourge on mankind, better known as male pattern baldness.
Of course I’m being facetious. If you play your cards right, going bald can be awesome!
9. James Gandolfini
James Gandolfini by Isabelle Vautier. Original source:
Another controversial choice, I’m sure. A ferocious actor, Mr. Gandolfini was an inspiration to heavyset, balding men throughout the US and world. He proved once and for all that you can be fat, balding, and a handsome devil, all at the same time. What was his secret? Charisma, of course!
If you don’t let your baldness or weight bother you, it won’t bother anybody else. Gandolfini was also a stylish dresser, albeit in a Jersey shore kind of way, and this greatly enhanced his overall image and appeal. His slicked-back hair always looked fantastic too, even though he was challenged follicly. He made the most of what he had. Women loved him, men envied him, and we’re all sad that we don’t get to watch him act anymore. The man was a force of nature!
10. Mikhail Gorbachev
Gorbachev was a quasi-celebrity in the 80s .
Along with Ronald Reagan and the pope, Mikhail Gorbachev is credited with helping end the Cold War and for bringing about a peaceful period in US-Russia relations. A nobel prize winner, Gorbachev ordered Soviet troops to withdraw from Afghanistan, and he helped bring down the Berlin Wall.
He also called the current Russian president and fellow bald man, Vladimir Putin, an obstacle to global progress. Many dead Russian journalists have made similar statements about Putin — so even at 85, Gorbachev is still as courageous and vital as ever. He never let his baldness or prominent port-wine stain stop him from making an impact on his society and the world. He will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the most important historical figures of the 20th century.
11. Dwight D. Eisenhower
Eisenhower looking dapper, like an AARP model.
Perhaps the baldest president in modern history, Dwight D. Eisenhower has far too many accomplishments to list here, but we’ll name a few of them. One of the most distinguished generals in US history, he was the supreme commander of the allied forces in Western Europe during World War II, in charge of planning the D-Day invasion.
Eisenhower delivered a famous, inspirational yet solemn speech on the eve of D-Day, informing his men that the eyes of the world were upon them, and telling them to accept nothing less than full victory. The operation was a ultimately a success in spite of the massive number of casualties, enabling the Allies to advance into Europe and eventually take control of the continent.
Eisenhower crafted a speech in the event the mission was unsuccessful, too, and in that speech, he placed the blame on himself alone. How masculine is that? As president, Eisenhower’s many accomplishments include sponsoring the Civil Rights bill of 1957, signing the Highway act of ‘56 which gave birth to the national highway system, ending the Korean war, starting the space race, and keeping America at peace during the Cold War.
Most Famous Bald Men in History – Conclusion
That covers it, for now. Do you love or hate my bald hall of fame? Remember, my parameters were not exactly precise. Obviously! Feel free to leave a comment below with your personal inductees and thoughts.
Robert Price is a writer, consumer advocate, and hair loss researcher with thousands of hours of experience in the field. His goal is to keep you out of the hair loss rabbit hole, underworld, or whatever you want to call it. He founded Hair Loss Daily, the unbiased hair loss blog, in 2016. You can learn more about Robert in the my story section of this website.
Everyone loses hair. It is normal to lose about 50-100 hairs every day. If you see bald patches or lots of thinning, you may be experiencing hair loss.
There are many causes of hair loss. Women may notice hair loss after giving birth. People under a lot of stress can see noticeable hair loss. Some diseases and medical
treatments can cause hair loss.
The most common cause of hair loss is a medical condition called hereditary hair loss.
it is important for a person to follow a doctor’s instructions on how to treat the underlying condition and always buy prescribed meds only. There are too many online stores offering meds online like amazon, healthkart, and mygenericpharmacy etc which are most popular.
Lenin belongs in this group …