10 Celebrities with Mature Hairlines – A Fun and Educational Overview

Last Updated on August 19, 2023 by Robert Price

Most celebrities have mature hairlines.

But not all mature hairlines are created equal!

This post showcases 10 celebs and their hairlines, for educational purposes, so you can see how you measure up.

This is not intended to diagnose your hair loss or lack thereof!

It’s just for fun.

My in-depth article on the mature hairline has more information on the maturation process and its cause.

In case you’re unfamiliar with the hair maturation process, mentioned above, here’s a quick synopsis for you.

Ready for the list now?

Okay, let’s begin.

10 Celebrities With Mature Hairlines


1. Ryan Reynolds

Solid, v-shaped mature hairline for Van Wilder. Some see signs of balding; I do not at this juncture.

2. Leonardo DiCaprio

He’s still the king of the world, and he still has great hair. Leo has a classic widow’s peak (starting at his highest forehead wrinkle) and a solid mature hairline.

3. Stephen Colbert

I’m using Colbert as an example to show that not all mature hairlines are created equal. His is clearly a bit more “recessed” than average, but I’d still consider him a Norwood 2. Granted, Norwood 2 is something of a gray area on the hair loss scale, but it’s still typically regarded as a mature hairline.

4. Matthew McConaughey

He definitely did something to his hair! You probably saw MM’s mugshot and Ed Tv, back when he was clearly balding. He isn’t anymore!

Whether he had a hair transplant, wears a piece, or regrew his hair with shampoos as he suspiciously claimed on Letterman, that’s all still up for debate! What isn’t up for debate is the fact that his hair looks terrific. He left a little recession and has a nice mature hairline that’s a little on the low end, if anything.

5. Bradley Cooper

Actor Bradley Cooper, of American Sniper fame. It’s distinctly possible Mr. Cooper has had some work done. I remember seeing an article citing an unnamed source, claiming that Cooper is on Propecia. Could be! Looks a little thin on the right side. This pic shows a type 2 or 3 on the Norwood scale. We’ll call it a 2. His hairline usually looks better than this. If you’re interested, I included Cooper in my post chronicling 8 reported celebrity finasteride users.

6. Anderson Cooper

Anderson Cooper of CNN. He has a classic “widow’s peak” and his frontal hairline starts at the same place it did when he was a young child (the highest forehead wrinkle). However, his corners receded to a more mature position, making that recession more pronounced. Some would call it a receding hairline, however I don’t think it’s ever moved, so I would not. In this post, you can see what early or mild hair loss looks like, with 10 celebrity examples.

7. Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp, another debatable one. Some would say he’s a type 3, I say he has a more-receded-than-average mature hairline. What do you think? People get too obsessed with Norwood Scale classifications, an offense I myself I am guilty of at times! Depp’s hair looks great, obviously, either way.

8. Jon Hamm

Jon Hamm has a classic mature hairline. A little recession at the corners, which actually enhances his appearance if anything. He’s so good-looking it’s irritating, and that’s coming from a straight guy!

9. Robert Downey Jr.

Robert Downey Jr. also has a type II hairline, but with markedly less recession than either Depp or Cooper. He has terrific hair for his age, no doubt.

10. David Bowie

RIP David Bowie. He enjoyed a straight-across, juvenile hairline until he was almost 30, which is pretty rare. Most men develop their mature hairlines between the ages of 17 and 25, as I explain in my article, The Mature Hairline Explained – Are You Balding or Maturing? Perhaps the best hair of all time for ol’ Ziggy Stardust!

There you have it. Of course this was not meant to be a comprehensive list, but rather just a fun, educational post that shows a number of typical type II or mature hairline variations. Leave a comment if you feel inclined. Also, if you’re looking for more information, be sure to check out my next post, 7 Surprising Facts About the Mature Hairline.

Posted in Celebrities, Hair Loss Information, Hairlines, Hairlines, Hairlines!.


  1. Wow! that really awesome to know that those celebrity also have hairlines with their ages. I always blame my husband that he has a early age hair line. But I really enjoyed while reading this and find a inner satisfactions that not only my love fighting with hairline there are others also in this race. Thanks for this nice post 🙂

  2. Back in college when my hairline receded from Norwood 1 to 2 and then stopped there, I was disappointed. All my life I wanted to go bald. Actually, I wanted to be bald by the time I was 30, or at the very latest, 40. But I didn’t go bald until my early/mid 50s. When it finally happened, it happened fast, and I was ecstatic about it. By the way, my wife loves it as much as I do. 🙂
    I’m sure there are other bald guys out there that love male pattern baldness as much as I do. I’m also sure that there are other guys who secretly wish they were bald, but are deeply disappointed that they will likely never go bald.

    • eric i see you in every comment section about hairloss since 2017. Stop talking about how much you love being bald. If you really did love it you wouldnt comment as much. That, or you’re just some bot programmed to say the same crap over and over

    • Are you insane?! Who the heck wants to be bald?? Just shave your head! You can’t possibly imagine the despair I had losing my hair in my early twenties! This is almost insulting…

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