7 News Anchors With Ridiculously Low, Chimp-Like Hairlines! – Hair Loss Daily

Last Updated on August 3, 2017 by Robert Price

Men with very low hairlines fascinate me. I know I’m not the only one! And news anchors, as a group, seem to be considerably more follicly blessed than the general population. I imagine some are on Propecia, many have had hair transplants, etc. But anyway, for your entertainment and enlightenment, here are 7 TV news anchors with absurdly, offensively low, juvenile hairlines:

1. David Muir

Photo Credit: ABC News. Muir is the host of ABC World News Tonight.

David Muir has the best hair in network news, without question. At 43, he still has his juvenile hairline, and I imagine that hairline will hold steady for the rest of his life.  A TMZ reporter once called him the Brad Pitt of TV news reporters — and that was a fairly accurate statement.  Low hairlines often start to look odd as men age, but Muir can pull it off, and good for him.

2. George Stephanopoulos

Photo Credit: ABC News.  Stephanopoulos anchors Good Morning America and This Week With George Stephanopoulos.

George Stephanopoulos is 56! He looks incredible. No hair loss at all, just like old boss, Slick Willie. Check out the 1992 election documentary The War Room if you haven’t already, starring the horseshoe bald, towering, ragin’ Cajun James Carville and the diminutive but follicly blessed Stephanopoulos. Excellent buddy film!

3. Geraldo Rivera

Photo Credit: Fox News. Rivera is a Fox News contributor with extraordinary hair genes!

Remarkably, Geraldo is in his early 70s! The mustache aficionado has been a fixture on television since the OJ trial. He got kicked out of Iraq for revealing the time and location of an imminent military operation. He also criticized Trayvon Martin’s “thug-like” attire and called Casey Anthony a  “selfish, narcissistic, self-involved slut.” He was right on the latter point, at least! And Geraldo looks outstanding. I imagine he can attribute his fantastic follicular fortune to his Latin genes.

4. Sean Hannity

Photo Credit: Fox News. The media’s loudest Trump apologist and advocate, Hannity hosts his own popular, uber right-wing television and radio shows.

In his mid 50s, Hannity has a hairline like a chimpanzee!  And he acts like one sometimes, too! He has one of the lower hairlines I’ve ever seen on a white man. Trump is a fan. Trump reportedly takes Propecia, Hannity has no need. If you make it to age 35 or so with your juvenile hairline in tact, odds are, you’ll keep that hairline forever. Fun fact, about 95% of white men will experience some mild hairline recession in their teens or 20s, as I state in my article: 7 Surprising Facts about the “Mature” Hairline.

5. David Gregory

Photo Credit: NBC. Illegally holding and showcasing this gun magazine on TV landed Gregory in hot water. He used to host Meet the Press, but had his job stolen by the rapidly balding (but remarkably, not yet bald) Chuck Todd. Now Gregory is a CNN contributor.

Gregory has gone mostly gray, but he still rocks a juvenile hairline. Now in his mid 40s, the 6’5″ Gregory, known by the nickname “Stretch” is making his way back to prominence on CNN. Gray, with a juvenile hairline — that’s always a winning combo.

6. Dan Rather

Photo Credit: CBS. Rather is a legendary news anchor who was around to announce the Kennedy assassination in 1963. Loathed by many conservatives, he hosted the CBS Evening News for nearly 25 years and is still an active reporter.

Whether or not it’s still a juvenile hairline is debatable. Probably not. But given his age, I’m grading Rather on the curve! Could be a system, too, I suppose. But my guess is Dan Rather’s hair is still natural. The guy is well into his 80s! 80% of men will experience some degree of hair loss by the time they reach the age of 80, as I explain in my Hair Loss 101 post. Dan is clearly beating the odds. At worst, he has a mature hairline.

7. John King

Photo Credit: CNN. King has been around for ages and currently anchors Inside Politics on CNN.

He was a wizard on election night! I would trust King to interpret the election night, exit polling data from Hamilton County, Ohio over anyone else on TV. Juvenile hairline, gray hair, like his colleague, David Gregory. A good look!

8. Brian Stelter

Brian Stelter bald picture

Just kidding! Amazingly Stelter is only 31, as I state in my article, How Brian Stelter Used Early Hair Loss to His Advantage — And How You Can, Too.

My Local Newscaster (An Honorable Mention)

Photo Credit: Q13 Fox. So this was a national news reporter list. But I gotta give a shutout to one of my local newscasters. This guy, Bill Wixey, has one of the most offensively low juvenile hairlines I’ve ever seen! It starts like an inch and a half above his eyebrows! Ridiculous. So is the caption in that photo!

Closing Thoughts

Yeah, so clearly, most news anchors have good to exceptional heads of hair. It’s one of the few professions where having hair is somewhat important and can make a difference in terms of a man’s employment status and salary. Hair is friendly, I guess. Can you imagine a local news reporter with a shaved head? It’s hard for me to imagine, probably because I’ve never seen it before! That might be just a bit too intimidating for the old ladies and the soccer moms.

The guys on my list have exceptional locks and are in a class of their own. They’re all 1’s on the Norwood scale, with the possible exception of the 80-something year old Dan Rather. John Berman is an honorable mention, as are Regis Philbin and Judge Andrew Napolitano (not technically news anchors, I know). I would’ve included Don Lemon, but he’s got that weird thinning going on toward the front-end of his scalp, with a straight-across hairline, and I don’t know what to make of that situation. Jesse Watters also has a juvenile hairline, but I find him to be an insufferably snarky douche, so I left  him off the list.

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